The Water Forum this week launched the second phase of its 2022 Habitat Projects on the Lower American River. Crews began work enhancing spawning and rearing areas in the Nimbus Basin, near the Sacramento State Aquatic Center. Over the coming…

News (page 4)
Water Forum Business Strategy Set for 2022-2030
Water Forum members on July 28, 2022, confirmed the Business Strategy (2022-2030) that describes priorities and provides an overall guide for the organization’s operations for the next eight years. The strategy discusses how the Water Forum will implement core programs for habitat…
Jonas Minton, a guiding light of the Water Forum
Here at the Water Forum, we are deeply saddened by the recent news that Jonas Minton has passed away. Our first full-time executive director, Jonas was a vital guiding hand in our work and left a huge imprint on many…
Progress Update on Long-Term Water Efficiency Standards
Insights from Water Forum Alum Sarah Foley In 2018 the California Legislature passed new efficiency standards aimed at reducing water consumption in the urban sector. The new law (passed as SB 606/AB 1668) came in response to the state’s difficult…
Secrets from the Water Forum Cyclists
May is National Bike Month. Established in 1956 and promoted by the League of American Bicyclists, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling—and encourage people to give biking a try. To celebrate, we asked several Water…
How the Water Forum will use fish ear bones to help evaluate flow management
The Water Forum is using fish ear bones to learn insight into how different water release patterns and wetter vs. dryer years affect survival of different cohorts of juvenile salmonids. Ear bones, you ask? Yes, ear bones. Specifically, the bones…
Join Your Water Forum Colleagues for Coffee, Conversation and Cleanup!
Saturday, April 23, 20228 a.m. breakfast, 9 a.m. clean-upRiver Bend Park at 2300 Rod Beaudry Drive, Sacramento 95827 Join your Water Forum colleagues as we fuel up and then head out to cleanup the American River Parkway on Saturday, April 23,…
A creek thrives again in Rancho Cordova… with a little help from nature’s “ecosystem engineers”
By Erica Bishop Habitat naturalization works, and we have Cordova Creek to show for it. The creek in Rancho Cordova actually didn’t have a name, as far as we know, until the 1960s. That’s when it was lined with concrete…
Will there be a Miracle March?
By Jessica Law California has just concluded the driest January-February period in recorded history. The March 1 survey of the Sierra Nevada snowpack, key to water supplies across much of the state, reflects the trend as well, showing the snow…
Kerry Schmitz, Water Supply Division Chief, Sacramento County Water Agency
Water Caucus Educational background Bachelor of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada Reno, with an emphasis on Environmental Engineering Professional experience I started at the Spink Corporation doing water system modeling for six years. I was hired by Sacramento County to work…