The Water Forum has completed the construction of its 2024 Habitat Project at River Bend on the Lower American River. Monitoring is now underway to assess the project’s effectiveness in improving spawning and rearing conditions for fall-run Chinook salmon and…
Sharing news and information about the work of the Water Forum and our members.
How a Bay Area Water Agency Became a Vital Partner on the American River
One of the Water Forum’s partners is a Bay Area urban water agency that found a way to improve the Sacramento region’s habitat for endangered fish while protecting themselves during severe droughts. That agency is the East Bay Municipal Utility…
Water Forum Awarded $650,000 Federal Grant to Enhance Habitat for Juvenile Salmon on the Lower American River
The Water Forum has been awarded a $650,000 federal grant for the study and design of up to 30 acres of enhanced habitat for juvenile salmonids along a 17-mile stretch of the Lower American River (LAR) as part of its ongoing…
From Lost to Found: A Unique Mission to Clean and Care for the Lower American River
There probably aren’t many people who spend more time on the Lower American River than Karl Bly, or who know it as well as he does. Karl runs American River Lost & Found, a Facebook page where he reunites people…
USBR: Reclamation, key partners build a haven for iconic fish species
Article written and originally published by Bureau of Reclamation (September 12, 2024). It’s fall on the lower American River, and that means more habitat restoration work to benefit fall-run Chinook salmon and steelhead trout is coming to fruition.
Water Forum Annual Review Details Progress on Key Initiatives
The Water Forum is pleased to present its Business Strategy Annual Review for Fiscal Year 2023-24. The review highlights the progress made over the past fiscal year toward the goals set in the Business Strategy (2022-2030), which guides Water Forum…
Construction Underway: Water Forum Habitat Project at River Bend
A new project to enhance crucial habitat for native fall-run Chinook salmon and steelhead trout in the Lower American River is underway at River Bend, near River Bend Park in Rancho Cordova and the William B. Pond Recreation Area in…
Remarkably average water year means better conditions for fish in the Lower American River
Spring and early summer are a crucial time of year for the American River: It’s when we find out how much Sierra Nevada snowmelt will be available to fill Folsom Reservoir, and what that means for salmon and steelhead.
Recording Posted: Information Session on 2024 Habitat Project at River Bend
The Water Forum team shared information about their 2024 project to enhance crucial habitat for native fall-run Chinook salmon and steelhead trout at River Bend.
The American River Parkway Foundation: Our partner in protecting the Lower American River
Founded in 1983, the Foundation is the only nonprofit focused on conserving the full 23 miles of the Lower American River.