Environmental Caucus
Educational background
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, UC Davis, and Master of Business Administration, UC Berkeley
Professional experience
I worked virtually all of my career for the California Legislature in various capacities: Legislative Analyst’ Office; Chief of Staff of the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee and for the Local Government Committee; Minority Consultant for the Natural Resources Committee; Office of Research; and personal staff of the Assembly Pro Tem and the Budget Chair.
Favorite work-related project so far
I was the lead staff person in the Assembly on the six years of the Peripheral Canal legislation (1977-82), which was challenging, fascinating, and engaging.
History with the Water Forum
I joined the Water Forum in 1994, after discussions with Bill Edgar (Manager, City of Sacramento) and Bob Thomas (Sacramento Executive Officer).
Why it is important to be involved in the Water Forum
I love rivers and water policy. The lower American River is one of the best river parkways in the Western United States, and it is the most important public recreation-wildlife area in Sacramento. To keep it, we have to protect it.
Most valuable lesson learned (or advice) when it comes to coming to agreement
It is important to work with the other caucuses.
What’s unique about the American River region
The Water Forum has been successful because the river provides part of our water supply and it is the community’s most loved recreational feature; we have to care about both.
Favorite location and/or activity on the lower American River
I like rafting the river in the late fall, especially the six miles below Nimbus Dam. At that time, the salmon are migrating and there are lots of wildlife.
Secret talent
I spend a lot of time thinking about the big picture and how things connect.