
Collaborative governance and decision-making structure of the Water Forum.

The Water Forum is a collaborative organization that brings together diverse interests in the Sacramento region and American River watershed. Its primary goal is to resolve conflicts and develop innovative solutions to achieve coequal objectives.

The Water Forum operates through four distinct caucuses: Business, Environmental, Public and Water. These caucuses meet regularly at plenary sessions to discuss important issues and make decisions collectively. Plenary meetings typically take place every other month on the fourth Thursday and are open to Water Forum members only.

The Water Forum’s work covers a broad range of topics. Depending on the level of interest and activity we often form ad hoc subcommittees to discuss specific topics. For example, during the water year, we often host weekly cross-caucus discussions to review technical information related to water operations, forecasts and anticipated river flows.

The Water Forum also co-convenes or participates in meetings, such as the American River Group, Lower American River Task Force and FISH Group, to align efforts with federal, state and local agencies. Through these partnerships, the Water Forum works to implement its initiatives and coordinate on regulatory requirements.

While the Water Forum does not have a traditional board of directors, the Coordinating Committee plays a vital role in overseeing its activities. This committee consists of two representatives from each caucus and provides guidance to the Water Forum Executive Director. The Executive Director is responsible for tasks such as managing the annual budget, major projects, communications and business strategy. Water Forum staff members are employees of the City of Sacramento, which supports the administrative, financial, and legal aspects of the Water Forum’s operations.

The Water Forum’s governance structure is described in greater detail in the Water Forum Agreement.