Water Forum Staff Educational background Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, University of Portland (Oregon) and a Master’s in Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University Professional experience Leading and supporting water resources planning projects in California, including drought planning, flood management, and…

Category: News (page 5)
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Get to know a few of the engineers making a difference in the Water Forum
February 20-26 marks National Engineers Week—a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world. Here at the Water Forum, engineers are found in every caucus and on the Water Forum team. In honor of this special week, we…
Weather whiplash brings challenges to the American River this winter
By Jessica Law Winter is historically a time of relative ease for American River salmon and steelhead. The punishing dry months of summer and fall are in the past, and winter storms have returned to cool down water temperatures and…
Reflecting on 2021, Welcoming 2022
By Jessica Law When I started as the new Water Forum Executive Director a year ago, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was getting into. As life would have it, 2021 was full of surprises.…
Surviving the Summer: Monitoring conditions for salmonids on the Lower American River
By Jessica Law The Water Forum and its members maintained a strong focus on water operations and temperature management as we moved through the drought this year. In weekly cross-caucus meetings we poured over the latest projections, debated the merits…
Reclamation Implements Folsom Reservoir Power Bypass to Help Protect Salmon on the Lower American River
This week, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation initiated a Folsom Power Bypass to reduce river water temperatures and protect salmonids as spawning season begins on the Lower American River. A power bypass allows Reclamation to access and release cold water…
OPINION: How Drought Affects the American River’s Salmon
BY RICH DESMOND AND RON STORK Stop and ponder this for a moment: In the American River passing through the Sacramento metroplex, giant fish swim by after surviving three or more years in the wild Pacific Ocean. These are our…
State Must Cancel San Joaquin’s Application to Claim Water from the Lower American River
BY JESSICA LAWSPECIAL TO THE SACRAMENTO BEE When the Water Forum Agreement was signed over 20 years ago, the occasion marked an unprecedented show of regional cooperation and an end to the water wars that had plagued the Sacramento region for decades.…
Drought Report Offers Sobering Assessment and Call to Action
By Jessica Law The Water Forum has been working closely with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to coordinate a response to drought conditions and reduce impacts to regional water supplies and the health of the Lower American River. We recently…
The drought is different this time. Everyone in the Sacramento region must conserve water
BY RALPH PROPPER AND TOM GRAYSPECIAL TO THE SACRAMENTO BEE JULY 31, 2021 06:00 AM, California is in the grip of another extreme drought. The consequences can be seen all over the Sacramento region and, unfortunately, the worst is yet to…