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Water Forum Business Strategy Annual Review 2022-23: Celebrating Milestones and Collective Progress – Sacramento Water Forum

Water Forum Business Strategy Annual Review 2022-23: Celebrating Milestones and Collective Progress

The Water Forum is pleased to present its Business Strategy Annual Review for Fiscal Year 2022-23.

The review highlights the near-term progress achieved over the past year toward advancing the Water Forum’s coequal objectives and the priorities outlined in the Business Strategy (2022-2030), which serves as a guiding roadmap for Water Forum operations until the original Water Forum Agreement concludes in 2030.

The Annual Review offers valuable insights into the Water Forum’s work. Key highlights from the annual review include:

  • Water Forum 2.0: The Water Forum’s four caucuses (business, environmental, public, and water) actively engaged in Phase Three of the negotiation process. They identified common ground and differences, finding strong alignment on the coequal objectives. The caucuses recognized climate change as a paramount threat and began exploring strategies to adapt effectively.
  • Habitat Enhancement: In its 15th year, the Water Forum’s Lower American River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Projects achieved a milestone by successfully completing its most complex set of projects to date.
  • Flows and Operations: The region actively engaged with Reclamation on the reinitiation of consultation on the Biological Opinions, drawing from three years of experience in implementing the 2019 Biological Opinions.
  • Science and Monitoring: Continued monitoring of habitat projects yielded critical data for the Water Forum’s ongoing work. Through on-ground assessments, aerial surveys, and genetic studies, the monitoring efforts informed adaptive management strategies.
  • Communication and Outreach: The Water Forum refined internal communication systems, fostered shared understanding through more frequent in-person plenary sessions and workshops and launched a new website. 
  • Administration: Collaborating with the City of Sacramento, the Water Forum enhanced financial procedures and management controls to ensure consistent accounting and program accountability.

For more detailed information and access to the Water Forum Business Strategy Annual Review 2022-23, please visit